Sharma and Jain, 2023

social sciences

Sharma and Jain

Year of Publication



Journal of Research Administration


2573-7104 (Refers to different journal)


Unknown (Unknown)

However, as of our last data update in September 2021, there is a growing need for these units to explore new markets beyond traditional trade partners.


To convert €1,780 to Indian Rupees (INR), you can use the current exchange rate. Please note that exchange rates fluctuate, and the rate may vary depending on where and how you exchange your money. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the approximate exchange rate was around 1 Euro (EUR) = 85-90 Indian Rupees (INR).

Using a rough estimate, you can calculate the conversion as follows:

€1,780 * 85 INR/EUR = 151,300 INR

So, €1,780 is approximately 151,300 Indian Rupees. Please check with a reliable currency exchange source for the most current rates as they may have changed since my last update.1


This article appears on, which seems to be a false copy of the real journal of the same name and ISSN, hosted at This latter version has different content. The real journal is indexed in Scopus.


1Sharma S, Jain S. A review on analysis of market entry strategies for Indian export oriented units (EOUS) into global markets in emerging BRICS countries. Journal of Research Administration. 2023;5(2):986-999. Accessed March 20, 2024.