Kanjarla et al., 2023


Kanjarla et al.

Year of Publication



European Journal of Mass Spectrometry




Sage Publications (London, United Kingdom)


Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Dimensions, Embase, Compendex, Inspec


Corrigendum (August 1, 2023)

Regenerate response Nadolol is a drug that belongs to Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class III, with high solubility and low permeability, has low lipid solubility, and a bioavailability of around 35%.1

A corrigendum2 noted that the authors had used ChatGPT without declaration. The acknowledgements were updated, and the editor undertook “preliminary analyses to confirm the authenticity of the datasets.”


Previously, this page stated that the acknowledgements of the article had been updated to include a declaration of AI use, as was claimed by the corrigendum issued August 1, 2023. However, as of November 15, 2024, the phrase “regenerate response” remains in the text of the article and the acknowledgements contain no such declaration; this is the case in both PDF and HTML. I apologize for neglecting to fact-check the corrigendum. The irony of having to correct myself in this instance is not lost on me.

This article was flagged by Guillaume Cabanac on PubPeer.


1Kanjarla N, Pasupuleti B, Boggula N, et al. A HPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of Nadolol in rat plasma: Development, validation, and application to pharmacokinetic study. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2023;29(3):170-180. doi:10.1177/14690667231179569
2Corrigendum. Eur J Mass Spectrom (Chichester). 2023;29(4):272-272. doi:10.1177/14690667231195424