Ibadullayevich, 2024


Eurasian Research Bulletin

Date of Publication

January 4, 2024

Below is a simplified example using the popular deep learning library TensorFlow and the DALL-E model by OpenAI (as of my last update in January 2022, DALL-E’s code and model might not be directly available for usage in Python).

Creating references for an article typically involves citing relevant sources used to gather information or derive knowledge. As I don’t have access to specific articles or publications that might have been used for the information provided, I’ll generate references based on generic formats for academic or online sources related to text-to-image generation and AI. Please note that the accuracy or existence of these sources cannot be guaranteed.1


1Ibadullayevich CS. Bridging language and visuals through AI. Journal of New Century Innovations. 2024;44(1):81-83. Accessed March 23, 2024. https://newjournal.org/index.php/new/article/view/10835