Ibadullayevich, 2024


Journal of New Century Innovations

Date of Publication

January 12, 2024

However, as of my last update in January 2022, while text-to-video technology has made significant advancements, there might still be limitations in accurately interpreting and converting complex or nuanced textual content into high-quality videos. Additionally, the generated videos might lack the creativity and human touch that skilled video editors or content creators bring. The field continues to evolve, so there might be further advancements beyond this point.

Certainly! Text-to-video technology has undergone continual development, and since my last update in January 2022, there might have been advancements and trends in this field:


It’s important to note that the pace of technological advancements can vary, and while these trends suggest potential directions, the actual developments in text-to-video technology may have evolved further or taken different paths after my last update.1


1Ibadullayevich CS. Text-to-Image Generation with GANs: Techniques, Applications, and Basic Python Implementation. Eurasian Research Bulletin. 2024;28:1-4. Accessed March 25, 2024. https://www.geniusrepo.net/index.php/1/article/view/542