Eboagwu-ijah and Abwami, 2023

social sciences

Eboagwu-ijah and Abwami

Year of Publication



Nigerian Journal of Policy & Strategy




National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (Bukuru, Nigeria)

Certainly, here are the references for the review of existing literature on gendered narratives, climate resilience, and health initiatives in rural Abuja.1


According to the ISSN portal, the Journal’s ISSN is registered to another Nigerian journal entitled Research Frontiers. However, the ISSN belongs to the Nigerian Journal of Policy & Strategy according to the Library of Congress, as well as the libraries of:

  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Harvard University
  • Indiana University
  • University of Iowa
  • University of Louisville
  • Michigan State University
  • Northwestern University*
  • Ohio State University
  • Stanford University*
  • University of Florida
  • Yale University

*Northwestern University and Stanford University list both journals under this ISSN.


1Eboagwu-ijah PI, Abwami IM. Exploring Gender Dynamics in Climate Resilience and Health Promotion Initiatives: A Case Study of Rural Communities in Abuja, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Policy & Strategy. 2024;21(1):159-171. https://nipss24.s3.amazonaws.com/7a4a0f9f-facb-452d-9db8-7a45f0197533.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIA4Y267QYK25XMO6WE&Expires=1819624065&Signature=ZV6Bz1ZYcHsE385MQ9TRdgupsaE%3D