Dubey and Misra, 2024

social sciences

Dubey and Misra

Year of Publication



Educational Administration: Theory and Practice




Auricle Global Society of Education and Research (Bikaner, India)


Scopus (discontinued), Dimensions

A literature review on the changing variations in the study of social exclusion in Indian society would provide an overview of the historical context, key concepts, methodologies, and the evolving discourse in this field. While I can’t provide specific references or studies beyond my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, I can offer a general structure for your literature review:

Introduction: Briefly introduce the concept of social exclusion […]

Historical Context: Provide an overview of the historical roots of social exclusion […]

Key Concepts and Definitions: Define social exclusion and related terms […]

Methodologies:Discuss the research methods commonly used in the study of social exclusion […]

Changing Variations in Social Exclusion: Explore how the focus of social exclusion research in India has shifted […]


References: Include a list of the references and sources you have cited in your literature review. Ensure that your literature review is well-structured, and the content is organized logically to provide a comprehensive understanding of the changing variations in the study of social exclusion in Indian society. Be sure to consult relevant sources published after September 2021 for the most up-to-date information and research in this field.

Findings of Study of Changing variation in the study of social exclusion in Indian society

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I don’t have access to specific, up-to-date research findings or studies that may have been conducted after that date. However, I can provide you with a general overview of some key themes and findings related to the study of social exclusion in Indian society based on research and discussions up to that point. Keep in mind that the field of social sciences, including the study of social exclusion, is constantly evolving, and there may have been new findings and developments since then.1


This article duplicates one in the (probably fake) International Journal of Economic Perspectives.

This journal is not indexed in the DOAJ, despite claiming to be so.


1Dubey DP, Misra R. Changing variation in the study of social exclusion in Indian society. International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2022;16(8):177-190. https://ijeponline.com/index.php/journal/article/view/832