Das et al., 2024


International Journal of Social Impact

Date of Publication

December 31, 2023

Certainly! It seems like you’ve provided detailed information on language development, language disorders, their causes, symptoms, interventions, and related issues. The text is well-structured, covering various aspects comprehensively. Here’s the properly formatted version:


Certainly, here are 5 key points on how the linguistic environment at home can influence the development of language disorders in children:


Certainly, here are 5 key points regarding the long-term academic and social outcomes for individuals who receive early intervention for language disorders:


Certainly! Here’s the properly formatted reference section.1


1Das A, Alam N, Bhattacharjee A, Pal D, Sao R. Speech and Language Disorder: Assessment and Intervention Approaches. International Journal of Social Impact. 2024;9(1):101-113. doi:10.25215/2455/0901013